Matt Bacon2021/11/06

Why I do it.

A curious child, I definitely felt at home in the physical sciences during childhood, especially biology and chemistry. This may be how I ended up being able to retain information about these topics so readily. We grew up on PBS and rural roads. If I could be the Mr. Rogers of my neighborhood, then that's what I want to be. Fred Rogers felt that everyone deserved to be loved and feel a part of the group. When I was in 4-H, I learned about how a blind 4-H member was able to bowl with us as an activity by listening for a noise at the end of the lane. As a 12 year old, my mind was blown. Learn more...

Adaptive technologies are nothing new to me, but the internet is bringing more and more ideas together from an actual world full of experiences. My personal experience in the garden before I was in the Army was much different than after I was out again. I needed my own adaptations now, so that I could continue enjoying my outdoor time. However, I absolutely needed my outdoor time for my mental health. 

It was this last realization that settled in my mind a final vision for the farm. We will strive to make the farm as accessible as possible with a diversity of plants and animals for therapeutic purposes. We will grow fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers to experiment with different methods of Pick-Your-Own adapted to individuals whose mobility issues do not allow them partake in these activities safely on an average farm. I will continue to work with individuals on lifelong skills and healthy outdoor activities that are adapted to their individual abilities and strengths. 

I have hope! Eventually, I hope to be old. I hope to be able to continue working in my garden when my knees don't work anymore. I hope to be able to pick flowers for the special people in my life, even if I can't see. I hope to be able to harvest herbs from the comfort of a chair and get them to the kitchen safely, even if I'm no longer allowed sharp things. 

Do I think that all of these things are going to happen to me? Of course not, but they happen to people all of the time due to aging, accidents, genetics, etc. Prepare for the worst, pray for the best and let the Lord do the rest. I'm sure that bringing agriculture to others is my calling and I look forward to sharing a diverse world with you.

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